HSECK9 License for Cisco C8000v SDWAN Router

HSECK9 License for Cisco C8000v SDWAN Router

If we want throughput greater than 250 Mbps on Cisco C8000v Router, then we need a High Security (HSECK9) license, If you C8000v router is a SD-WAN router and is on AWS or Azure, you need to register your router to the Smart Software Licensing portal. But lets check some outputs from the router 

HSECK9 License for Cisco C8000v SDWAN Router
Fig 1.1- Cisco C8000v in Azure

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Check the throughput on your Cisco C8000v Router first

NDNA_C8000v#sh platform hardware throughput level 
The current throughput level is 250000 kb/s
Now Check the License on your C8000v router, As you see below no License there.

NDNA_C8000v#sh license summary 
License Usage:
  License                 Entitlement Tag               Count Status
  No licenses in use
Now download License Authorization code from Smart Account - HSECK9 License. You should have balance of the required number of HSECK9 licenses (DNA_HSECK9) in the corresponding Smart Account and Virtual Account in CSSM.

⭐Step 1: Login to the Portal "software.cisco.com" and go to Smart Software Licensing using your Smart account login credentials

⭐Step 2: Navigate to Cisco Software Central >> Smart Software Licensing and then using your Virtual account 

⭐Step 3: Under Virtual account --> Product Instances--> Authorize License-Enforced Features and Proceed

⭐Step 4: Now add the Serial number and PID and Click Next

⭐Step 5 : As you will see, License (Router US Export Lic. for DNA) -- reserve 1 License for your router and Click Next.

⭐Step 6: Now at the end you will see Generate Authorization Code. Download the Auth code for your router

Upload the Authorization codes to Cisco C8000v router using Windows Power Shell. Make sure all Authorization codes are in C Drive User Folder, so that you can provide the path.

C:\Users\NDNA> scp AuthorizationCode_SN_XXXXXXXXX.txt admin@NDNA_C8000v:flash:AuthorizationCode_SN_XXXXXXXXX.txt
It will ask for the router password, Just put the password and the file will copied into the Flash:

Now Install HSECK9 License to Cisco C8000v Router, You can check first in the Flash

NDNA_C8000v#sh flash: timesort | i AuthorizationCode
483       100 Mar 10 2024 13:10:37.0000000000 +00:00 /bootflash/AuthorizationCode_SN_XXXXXXXXX.txt
Now install that Authorization code to C8000v Router in order to install HSECK9 license 

NDNA_C8000v#install add file bootflash:AuthorizationCode_SN_XXXXXXXXX.txt activate commit
If the above command is not working when router is in Controller-mode, please run the below command 
NDNA_C8000v# license smart import bootflash:AuthorizationCode_SN_XXXXXXXXX.txt
Its time to Verify now as HSECK9 License is installed and committed on Cisco C8000v SD-WAN router.
NDNA_C8000v#sh license summary 
License Usage:
  License                 Entitlement Tag               Count Status
  hseck9                  (DNA_HSEC)                        1 IN USE

CAADEISR02#sh platform hardware throughput level 
The current throughput level is 20000000 kb/s
As you verified that the Throughput is now 2GB, you can also increase the throughput level more as per the values available in the router.

Is a reload needed for C8000v post activation of hsec?
No, it is not needed. The license stays as 'not-in-use' as per the design on C8kv, but the device gets unlimited throughput immediately after the hsec install.

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