OSPF Prefix-Suppression Concept & Configurations
OSPF Prefix-Suppression Concept & Configurations
OSPF broadcasts all LSAs, including the transit link LSAs, by default. Prefixes on transit links cause a lot of capacity to be consumed in the routing tables and LSDB of large OSPF networks.
No need to advertise the IP prefixes of transit-only networks which reduces less number of prefixes in the database (DB) of OSPF routers. OSPF prefix-suppression function reduces advertised Type 1 (router) and Type 2 (network) LSAs.
Lets take a scenario, where we have two users USER1 and USER2 which are connected via a network which has 4 routers, R1, R2, R3, and R4.
Ensuring that end-to-end reachability should be there, you can enable OSPF prefix-suppression on backbone links of R1, R2, R3, and R4 which will help in reduction of a number of LSAs.
⭐Related : Introduction to OSPF LSA Types
⭐Related : Introduction to OSPF Area Types
Fig 1.1- OSPF Prefix-Suppression Concept & Configurations
There are two ways to configure OSPF prefix-suppression
- Global mode
- Interface mode
Before OSPF prefix-suppression, let see what we get on Router R1 which is also connected to the USER 1 as below in red :
Now Lets apply the OSPF prefix-suppression on the router R1 as shown below
Lets apply the OSPF prefix-suppression on the router R2 as shown below
Lets apply the OSPF prefix-suppression on the router R3 as shown below
Lets apply the OSPF prefix-suppression on the router R4 as shown below
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