Troubleshooting SDWAN: vEdge 1000 Hardware Clock Issue

Troubleshooting SDWAN: vEdge 1000 Hardware Clock Issue

vEdge 1000 router lost control connections and is not recovering even after reboot the device. User account is also locked and we are not able to access the router via CLI

Cisco Viptela vEdge 1000

Step 1: We proceed with the hardware factory reset (pressed the reset button for more than 10 secs), the device comes back with 20.3.2 version, so we proceed to upgrade the device to (vEdge cert issue/defect).

You can check the procedure for vEdge soft and Hard reset and then reboot as in below article.
Cisco SDWAN: vEdge Router Factory Reset - The Network DNA

Step 2: After verifying the control connections it was not forming due to clock, we proceed to modify the clock but it was not taking the command, after 15 minutes the device recover the control connections by its own.

Step 3: We proceed to push the template, the device reboot and the clock was misconfigured again. We tried to modify it but triggered the error, but this time the right clock was set and the control connections come back.

NDNA_vEdge1000# clock set date 2023-07-07 time 05:08:00
Error: Clock set failed: hardware clock error

What action needs to be taken care after this
The hardware clock is faulty, any time it reboots it lost the current clock time. Recommended Action is to take RMA for the device. As if it reboots and crashed again will have the same issue on vEdge.

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