What is Amazon AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) ?

What is Amazon AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) ?

The AWS CLI, or Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface, is a tool that lets you manage your AWS services from your terminal

Using scripts or directly from the command line, we may automate the management of AWS services with the help of the CLI (Command Line Interface). The AWS CLI supports Windows command line (cmd.exe/Powershell.exe), macOS, Linux shells (such as bash/zsh/tcsh/etc.), and remote EC2 instance use via SSH.

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AWS CLI allows us to carry out several tasks that are comparable to those offered by the browser-based AWS Management Console. The Python-written AWS CLI is available for free and is referred to in its repository as the "Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services."

  • Efficiency: Using the AWS CLI to complete everyday activities can be quicker than using the web console.
  • Automation: The AWS CLI allows you to create scripts that automate tasks.
  • Flexibility: Compared to the web console, the AWS CLI offers you greater control over AWS services.
Here is Amazon AWS regular command format as shown below

What is AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) ?
Fig 1.1-  What is AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)

The AWS CLI is available in two versions; version 2.0 is advised. But be aware that they are breaking changes between versions 1 and 2 of the AWS CLI.

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