
Mastering the Basics: Top 10 AWS Interview Questions (Part 2)

Mastering the Basics: Top 10 AWS Interview Questions (Part 2)

Mastering the Basics: Top AWS Interview Questions (Part 2)

Part 1
Mastering the Basics: Top 50 Amazon AWS Interview Questions (Part 1)

⭐Q51: What exactly is a subnet?

Subnets are vast sections of IP addresses that are separated into parts.

⭐Q52: How do you go from a public to a private subnet?

Remove the IGW and replace it with a NAT Gateway, then associate the subnet in the Private route table.

⭐Q53: Is it possible to minimize the volume of an ebs?

No, it is not feasible; we can raise it but not decrease it.

⭐Q54: What is the purpose of elastic IP addresses? Are they taxed by AWS?

These are IPv4 addresses used to connect the instance to the internet; they are charged if the instances are not connected to it.

⭐Q55:One of my S3 buckets has been removed, but I need to recover it. Is this possible?

If we enable versioning, we can easily restore them.

⭐Q56:Is it possible to adjust the ebs volumes in Linux and Windows?

Yes, it is possible. From the console, use the edit volumes section to specify the size you want, then for Windows, go to disc management, and for Linux, mount it to complete the modification.

⭐Q57:When I try to launch an EC2 instance, I receive the error Service limit exceeded; how can I resolve this?

By default, AWS provides a service limit of 20 operating instances per region; to resolve the issue, we must contact AWS support and request that the limit be increased depending on the requirements.

⭐Q58:Is it possible to shutdown an RDS instance, and if so, how?

Yes, it is feasible to halt rds. Non-production and non-multi AZs are examples.

⭐Q59:What do parameter groups in rds mean? And what is the point?

Because RDS is a managed service, AWS provides a diverse collection of parameters in RDS as parameter groups that may be customized as needed.

⭐Q60:What is the purpose of tags and how do they help?

Tags are used for identifying and grouping purposes. AWS Services

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