
Mastering the Basics: Top 50 Amazon AWS Interview Questions (Part 1)

 Mastering the Basics: Top 50 Amazon AWS Interview Questions (Part 1)

Mastering the Basics: Top 50 Amazon AWS Interview Questions (Part 1)

⭐Q1: What exactly is AWS?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services. AWS is a platform that delivers on-demand resources for hosting web services, storage, networking, databases, and other resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

⭐Q2:What are the AWS components?

AWS components include EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud, S3 - Simple Storage Service, Route53, EBS - Elastic Block Store, CloudWatch, and Key-Paris.

⭐Q3:What are the different types of volumes available for EC2 instances?

There are two types of volumes,

  • Instance store volumes
  • EBS – Elastic Block Stores

⭐Q4:What exactly are EBS volumes?

Elastic Block Stores is an abbreviation for Elastic Block Stores. They are persistent volumes that may be connected to instances. In contrast to instance store volumes, where data is lost when instances are stopped, EBS volumes save your data even when you stop them.

⭐Q5:What are the different types of volumes in EBS?

The following are the different sorts of volumes in EBS: 

  • General purpose
  • IOPS Provisioned 
  • Magnetic 
  • Cold HDD
  • Improved throughput

⭐Q6:What exactly is Amazon S3?

S3 is an acronym that stands for Simple Storage Service. It is a storage service that provides an interface through which you may save any quantity of data at any time and from any location on the planet. using S3, you only pay for what you use, using a pay-as-you-go billing approach.

⭐Q7:What exactly are key pairs?

Key-pairs are encrypted login credentials for your instances/virtual machines. We utilize key-pairs with a public-key and a private-key to connect to the instances.

⭐Q8:What are the different types of instances?

Types of instances are:

  • General purpose
  • Computer Optimized
  • Storage Optimized
  • Memory Optimized
  • Accelerated Computing

⭐Q9:What is an auto-scaling and what are the components?

Auto scaling allows you to dynamically scale up and down the number of instances based on CPU or memory utilization. Auto-scaling groups and Launch Configuration are the two components of Auto scaling.

⭐Q10:What are reserved instances?

Reserved instances are EC2 instances with a set capacity that you may reserve. In some cases, you will be required to sign a one-year or three-year contract.

⭐Q11:What is an AMI?

AMI is an abbreviation for Amazon Machine Image. AMI is a template that includes software configurations, launch permissions, and a block device mapping that defines the volume that will be attached to the instance when it is started.

⭐Q12:What is an EIP?

Elastic IP address is abbreviated as EIP. It is intended for use in dynamic cloud computing. EIP addresses are used when you wish to have a static IP address for your instances when you stop and restart them.

⭐Q13:What exactly is CloudWatch?

CloudWatch is a monitoring tool that you may use to keep track on your AWS resources. For example, health checks, networks, applications, and so on.

⭐Q14:What are the CloudWatch types?

CloudWatch has two categories. There are two types of monitoring: 
Basic and thorough. Basic monitoring is free, however extensive monitoring is not.

⭐Q15:What are the CloudWatch metrics for EC2 instances available?

Diskreads, diskwrites, CPU utilization, networkpacketsIn, networkpacketsOut, network IN, networkOut, CPUCreditUsage, CPUCreditBalance

⭐Q16:What is the smallest and largest size of individual items that can be stored in S3? 

The least size of individual things that you can store in S3 is 0 bytes, and the largest size of individual objects that you can store is 5TB.

⭐Q17:What is the S3 storage class by default?

The most commonly accessed storage class in S3 is Standard.

⭐Q18:What are the various S3 storage classes?

The types of storage classes in S3 are as follows.

  • Standard commonly accessible; 
  • Standard seldom accessed
  • One-zone infrequently visited.
  • The glacier
  • RRS stands for reduced redundancy storage.

⭐Q19:What exactly is a glacier?

Glacier is the archiving or backup tool that you use to back up your data on S3.

⭐Q20:How can you keep access to your S3 bucket secure?

You may manage access to your S3 buckets in two ways: 
  • ACL - Access manage List 
  • Bucket policies

⭐Q21:In Amazon S3, how can you encrypt data?

You can encrypt the data using the techniques listed below.
  • S3 Server Encryption (AES 256 encryption)
  • Encryption on the server - KMS (Key Management Service)
  • C (Client Side) Encryption - Server Side

⭐Q22:What are the S3 price parameters?

The pricing model for S3 is as follows:
  • Storage utilized 
  • Requests made 
  • Storage management 
  • Data transfer 
  • Transfer acceleration

⭐Q23:What are the requirements for working with Cross region replication in S3?

To use cross-region replication, you must enable versioning on both the source and destination buckets. Furthermore, the source and destination buckets must be in distinct regions.

⭐Q24:What exactly are roles?

Roles are used to grant rights to entities within your AWS account that you trust. Users on another account are referred to as roles. Roles are comparable to users in that you do not need to generate a login and password in order to operate with the resources.

⭐Q25:What are policies and what sorts of policies are there?

Answer: Policies are permissions that you may assign to new users. These policies will include the access that you granted to the users that you established. There are two kinds of policies.
  • Policies that are managed
  • Policies that are consistent

⭐Q26:What exactly is cloudfront?

Cloudfront is an AWS web service that allows enterprises and application developers to deliver information with minimal latency and fast data transfer rates. AWS Cloudfront is their content delivery network.

⭐Q27:What exactly are edge locations?

The edge location is where the contents will be cached. When a user attempts to access some content, it is searched in the edge location. If it is unavailable, the material will be made available from the origin location, with a copy saved in the edge location.

⭐Q28:What is the maximum number of separate archives that may be stored in glacier?

You can keep a maximum of 40 TB of separate archives.

⭐Q29:What exactly is VPC?

VPC is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Cloud. You may simply customize your networking settings with VPC. A virtual private cloud (VPC) network is conceptually separated from other networks in the cloud. It gives you the ability to have your own IP address range, subnets, internet gateways, NAT gateways, and security groups.

⭐Q30:What exactly is a VPC peering connection?

A VPC peering link connects one VPC to another VPC. These VPC instances operate as though they are on the same network.

⭐Q31:What exactly are NAT gateways?

NAT is an acronym that stands for Network Address Translation. NAT gates allow instances on a private subnet to connect to the internet while preventing the internet from connecting to those instances.

⭐Q32:How do you manage the security of your VPC?

To govern the security of your VPC, you can utilize security groups and NACL (Network Access govern List).

⭐Q33:What are the many types of storage gateways?

The following are the many types of storage gateways.
  • Volume gateway 
  • File gateway 
  • Tape gateway

⭐Q34:What exactly is a snowball?

Snowball is a data transit service that transfers massive volumes of data into and out of AWS using source appliances. Snowball allows you to transmit large amounts of data from one location to another, lowering network costs, reducing transfer times, and improving security.

⭐Q35:What are the different types of databases in RDS?

RDS supports the following database types: 
  • Aurora 
  • Oracle 
  • MYSQL server 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • MariaDB 
  • SQL server

⭐Q36:What exactly is a redshift?

Amazon Redshift is a data warehousing service. It is a cloud-based, petabyte-scale data warehouse solution that is quick and powerful.

⭐Q37:What exactly is SNS?

SNS is an abbreviation for Simple Notification Service. SNS is a web service that makes it simple to receive cloud alerts. You may configure SNS to receive email or message notifications.

⭐Q38:What are the different kinds of routing policies in route53?

The types of routing policies in route53 are as follows:
  • Simple routing 
  • Low latency routing 
  • Failover routing 
  • Geolocation routing 
  • Weighted routing 
  • Multivalued response

⭐Q39:What is the message size limit in SQS?

The maximum message size in SQS is 256 KB.

⭐Q40:What are the different types of queues in SQS?

In SQS, there are two types of queues.
  • Normal queue 
  • FIFO (First In, First Out)

⭐Q41:What is the definition of multi-AZ RDS?

With Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) RDS, you may replicate your production database in another availability zone. Disaster recovery is accomplished through the usage of a multi-AZ (Availability Zone) database. Your database will be a carbon duplicate. As a result, if your primary database fails, your application will immediately fail over to the backup database.

⭐Q42:What are the different types of backups in an RDS database?

In an RDS database, there are two types of backups.
Backups that are automated
Snapshots, which are manual backups.

⭐Q43:What are the different kinds of load balancers in EC2?

There are three types of load balancers
  • Application load balancers 
  • Network load balancers
  • Classic load balancers.

⭐Q44:What exactly is an ELB?

ELB is an abbreviation for Elastic Load Balancing. ELB distributes incoming application or network traffic over several destinations such as EC2, containers, and IP addresses.

⭐Q45:What are the two forms of access that may be granted when creating users?

The two forms of access that you can generate are as follows.
  • Console access 
  • Programmatic access

⭐Q46:What are the advantages of auto-scaling?

The advantages of auto scaling are as follows
Improved fault tolerance, increased availability, and improved cost control.

⭐Q47:What exactly are security teams?

Security groups function as a firewall for one or more instances. When you deploy your instances, you may associate them with one or more security groups. Each security group can have rules added to it that enable traffic to and from its related instances. A security group's rules can be modified at any moment, and the new rules are automatically and instantly applied to all instances connected with the security group.

⭐Q48:What exactly are shared AMIs?

Shared AMIs are AMIs prepared by other developers and made accessible for usage by other developers.

⭐Q49:What is the distinction between a traditional load balancer and an application load balancer?

In Application Load Balancer, several ports with multiple listeners are utilized, whereas Classic Load Balancer uses one port with one listener.

⭐Q50:How many IP addresses does AWS reserve by default in a subnet?

5 is the answer.