Cisco Catalyst SDWAN C8300 Flash disk full issue
Cisco Catalyst SDWAN C8300 Flash disk full issue
We faced a problem in which we saw a notification indicating that one of the C8300 SDWAN router's Flash discs was full.
The router bootflash is being clogged with hundreds/thousands of sdavc packs that never appear to be removed. So far, this has resulted in one of our routers failing owing to a shortage of disc space - the cedge services would not start, and the device was rendered inoperable. Another router has now reached 100% use on the bootflash as a result of these sdavc packs.
Fig 1.1- Cisco Catalyst SDWAN routers |
We attempted to solve the issue and discovered that it is caused by a bug that occurs repeatedly. IOS-XE image 17.6.3 is installed on the SDWAN router C8300.
Lets Verify first, you will see below that " num_of_errs_wrong_batch_id: 2486790"
Bug Id:CSCwb20082 (cEdge running 17.3.4 SD-AVC protocol packs filling bootflash to 100%)
C8300_NDNA#sh platform resources
**State Acronym: H - Healthy, W - Warning, C - Critical
Resource Usage Max Warning Critical State
RP0 (ok, active) H
Control Processor 10.10% 100% 80% 90% H
DRAM 4703MB(66%) 7065MB 88% 93% H
bootflash 7338MB(100%) 7338MB 70% 90% C
harddisk 797MB(6%) 14534MB 90% 95% H
Number of lines which match regexp = 11318
C8300_NDNA#show platform hardware qfp active feature nbar client function sci_cpr_non_batch_show_info
Non-graph batch sender info:
is_initialized: TRUE
is_batch_in_progress: TRUE
num_of_batches_created: 16866
num_of_batches_destroyed: 16865
num_of_errs_not_initialized: 0
num_of_errs_invalid_batch_pointer: 0
num_of_errs_wrong_batch_id: 2486790
num_of_errs_invalid_batch_state: 0
num_of_errs_batch_in_progress: 0
num_of_errs_msg_reset_failed: 0
num_of_errs_failed_to_create: 0
num_of_errs_invalid_batch: 0
num_of_errs_failed_to_show_batch_info: 0
num_of_errs_failed_to_destroy_batch: 0
num_of_errs_invalid_msg_buffer: 0
num_of_errs_failed_to_parse_header: 0
num_of_errs_failed_to_process_msg: 2486790
Non-graph batch info:
batch_id: 16866
total_num_of_msgs_in_batch: 0
total_num_of_records_in_batch: 0
This is a bug, which can be resolved by upgrading the router to the newer version.
The newer version should be 17.9.3 in order to resolve this issue.
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