Cisco Viptela SDWAN: Part 1 Migration from vEdges to Catalyst 8500/8300 Routers

Cisco Viptela SDWAN

Migration from vEdges to Catalyst 8500 Routers Tests

When you have requirement of higher capacity/throughput, better platform and stable performances, you should look for the migration plan for the vEdges in your SDWAN environment. In this article we will talk about the prechecks you should take while moving to the new next generation platform specially designed for the SDWAN solutions.

Fig 1.1- Cisco Viptela SDWAN

Test no 1: Interface Health for vEdges in your environment.

Run the below commands to check the interface health for the vedges so that you should know the pre-implementation plans

Verify interfaces to test on site topology
show interface <interface-name>
show interfaces detail
show interface description
show interface arp-stats

Transport Interfaces error free, MTU, duplex
Service side Interfaces error free, MTU, duplex

Test no 2: Underlay Validation Tests

Verify IPs for next-hops to test.
show arp
ping vpn 0 <next-hop-IP-1> count 10
IP and MACs for all next hops present on ARP table.

Test no 3: Underlay Routing Test

Verify IPs for next-hops to test
show run
show ip routes
show bgp routes
sh ip route vpn 10 bgp detail
sh ip route vpn 10 | include <subnet>

Test no 4: Overlay Verification Test
To ensure all expected control connections are UP. All controllers should have control connections between each other, and vEdge should have control connections with configured vSmart and vManage. The vBond will have multiple control connects with vManage

show control summary
show control connections
show omp peers
show control connection-history

show control connections
show control valid-vedges

Test no 5: BFD session tests
show bfd summary
show bfd sessions
show omp routes
show omp tloc-path
show omp tlocs

Test no 6: Overlay Routing Tests
show run | inc route
show bgp route
show omp routes
show bgp neighbor

Test no 7: Application aware Routing Test
show app-route stats