Cisco 9300/9200 : FAILED: install_add_activate_commit : Super package issue

Cisco 9300/9200 : FAILED: install_add_activate_commit : Super package issue

Trying to upgrade the switches through DNAC and face some issue "Image update on selected devices can't be performed due to failed on update readiness report. Now tried through the manual process, stuck with another error "FAILED: install_add_activate_commit : Super package already added"

Cisco 9300/9200 : FAILED: install_add_activate_commit : Super package issue

The device C9300 Catalyst switch is configured with the image 17.06.05 and trying to upgrade to 17.09.4a

So here is the process to resolve 

Step 1: run the command "install remove inactive"

Step 2: you will see lot of files, as we are upgrading to the version of 17.09.4a, we want to remove all the inactive files from the flash except the 17.09.4a bin file.

Step 3: run the below commands and remove these

install remove file flash:cat9k-guestshell.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-lni.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-cc_srdriver.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-espbase.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-rpbase.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-rpboot.17.06.05.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-sipbase.17.09.04a.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-sipspa.17.09.04a.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-srdriver.17.09.04a.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-webui.17.09.04a.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k-wlc.17.09.04a.SPA.pkg
install remove file flash:cat9k_iosxe.17.09.04a.SPA.conf

don't remove below one

step 4: backup packages.conf file as below 

rename flash:packages.conf flash:packages.conf_backup

step 5: Extract the new bin file with below command

request platform software package expand file flash:cat9k_iosxe.17.09.04a.SPA.bin

Step 6: verify the new packages.conf file

more flash:packages.conf

Step 7: remove boot and add below

config t
no boot system
boot system switch all flash:packages.conf

Step 8: Reload your switch and you will see the switch will come up with the latest 17.9.04a version.

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