Cisco ASA/ASDM Upgrade procedure

Cisco ASA/ASDM Upgrade procedure

Cisco ASA/ASDM Upgrade procedure
Fig 1.1-Cisco ASA/ASDM Upgrade procedure

What is Cisco ASA ?

Cisco ASA is a security device that includes a firewall, antivirus, intrusion prevention, and a virtual private network (VPN). It enables proactive threat defense, preventing assaults from spreading throughout the network.

What is ASDM ?

Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) is software that allows users to control and monitor their security devices via a web-based management interface. Cisco firewall appliances and firewall service modules may be configured, monitored, and troubleshooted by users.

Procedure to upgrade ASA/ASDM

Step 1 Check the existing configuration and take a backup of all your configurations before we start with the upgrade procedure.

Step 2 Copy the ASA software to the active unit flash memory:

NDNA_ASA# copy tftp:// disk0:/asa913-smp-k8.bin

Step 3 Copy the ASDM image to the active unit flash memory:

NDNA_ASA# copy tftp:// disk0:/asdm-711.bin

Step 4 If you are not already in global configuration mode, access global configuration mode and Show the current boot images configured

NDNA_ASA(config)# show running-config boot system 
boot system disk0:/cdisk.bin 
boot system disk0:/asa924-33-k8.bin

The ASA uses the images in the order listed; if the first image is unavailable, the next image is used, and so on. You cannot insert a new image URL at the top of the list; to specify the new image to be first, you must remove any existing entries, and enter the image URLs in the order desired

Step 5 Remove any existing boot image configurations so that you can enter the new boot image as your first choice

NDNA_ASA(config)# no boot system disk0:/cdisk.bin 
NDNA_ASA(config)# no boot system disk0:/asa924-33-k8.bin

Step 6 Set the ASA image to boot (the one you just uploaded):

NDNA_ASA(config)# boot system disk0://asa924-33-k8.bin

Step 7 Set the ASDM image to use (the one you just uploaded):

NDNA_ASA(config)# asdm image disk0:/asdm-711.bin

You can only configure one ASDM image to use, so you do not need to first remove the existing configuration.

Step 8: Write and Reload

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