Aruba EdgeConnect: Initialize ECV Appliance (Day 0 Config)

Aruba EdgeConnect: Initialize ECV Appliance (Day 0 Config)

Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN – Initialize ECV Appliance

In our last article, we instantiated EdgeConnect Virtual (ECV) appliance on VMware ESXi. Now in this article, we are going to onboard the ECV to manage it from Aruba EdgeConnect Orchestrator (Management Platform for Aruba SD-WAN).

Once the ECV is instantiated and you are able to access the appliance using the web browser you can proceed to perform the initial configuration wizard to perform the Interface mapping and basic router deployment configuration.


  • Reachability to the Cloud Portal (
  • Account Name & Account Key

You need Account Name & Account Key details to successfully register the appliance to the cloud portal and orchestrator. It can be accessed from Aruba Orchestrar – Configuration Menu à Cloud Portal Option. If you are not able to see the Account key, click on the small lock icon to see the value.

Step 1: An appliance can be accessed using the management IP address. Default username and password for ECV appliance is set to admin/admin. 

Step 2: After successful login, click on the configuration menu and select the “Initial Config Wizard” option.

Step 3: if you remember for our EdgeConnect Virtual Machine we created total 4 Network Interfaces. You need to map those interfaces to the appliance Interfaces in Initial Configuration Wizard.

VMware Network Interface configuration – We have tried to map the lowest MAC address to Mgmt Port, next to LAN Port, next to MPLS, and the highest MAC to Internet Port.

Note down the Interface Adapter, Port Group, and MAC address in a Table for your reference and assign the same MAC to the respective Interface name in the list.

 Step 4: This ECV to the register to the cloud portal (License repository) and to perform registration, you need Account Name and Account Key. Both values can be accessed from the Orchestrator.

Key in both Account Name and Account Key in the Registration section in the above window. Once you are done, hit the Save button.

This will ask you to reboot the appliance. Once the appliance is rebooted, your new appliance should be discovered in the Orchestrator.

Congratulations you have successfully initialized your ECV appliance and you can Approve the appliance. Once it is approved you have access to the ECV appliance and can perform the advanced configuration steps. Hope you find this informative!

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