SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) Vs TLS(Transport Layer Security) Protocol
SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) Vs TLS(Transport Layer Security)
The standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and protecting any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems is called SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer. This technology stops criminals from reading and altering any information transferred, including potentially personal details.
Data that is transferred over the internet is encrypted via SSL. As a result, anyone attempting to intercept this data will only be able to make out a jumbled collection of characters that is incredibly difficult to decipher.
In order to make sure that both communicating devices are indeed who they say they are, SSL starts an authentication procedure between them known as a handshake.
In order to offer data integrity and ensure that the data has not been tampered with before reaching its intended receiver, SSL additionally digitally signs data.
It verifies web servers, which is crucial since hackers frequently attempt to create honey websites in order to deceive consumers and steal data. Like a tamper-proof seal on a medication container, it likewise stops attackers from altering data while it is being transmitted.
TLS(Transport Layer Security) Protocol
The TCP/IP transport protocols are given an additional layer of security by the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS adds extra security features, like authentication and message tampering detection, and securely sends private data using both symmetric encryption and public key encryption.
TLS lengthens the number of steps required to send data over TCP/IP, which adds to the latency of online communications. However, the security advantages frequently outweigh the additional latency.
TLS encryption is a common practice for most websites and helps shield web applications from data manipulation and eavesdropping. In response to the growing number of security threats and the requirement for encryption on both the client and server ends, the SSL/TLS protocols were created.
TLS is in place to aid in preserving user security and privacy. Without TLS, sensitive data being transferred online, such as credit card numbers, personal information, and login credentials, is susceptible to theft. Unknown third parties could also keep an eye on your emails, web usage, and direct message correspondence.
Fig 1.1- SSL Vs TLS |
The TLS is a component of TCP and can guarantee the security of data transmission over TCP. An addition to TLS called Datagram TLS provides data transmission security over UDP.
Difference TLS Vs DTLS protocol - The Network DNA
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