ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents on Cisco Viptela vManage

ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents on Cisco Viptela vManage

Cisco ThousandEyes capabilities depends on the two components agents and tests. Here in this article we are going to talk about the enterprise agents and installing on the vManage.

Enterprise agents are internal vantage points that are deployed by network administrator across the network. They do everything that a cloud agent does, with additional functionality to provide visibility across the internal network.

Enterprise agents are a piece of software in multiple form-factors deployed on various hardware within the enterprise network. Some the widely used places are remote offices, underlying network devices (Switches, routers), and on-prem Data Centers. The deployment of the agents are strategy that network administrator design based on the functionality they want to achieve.

Enterprise agents form factor are – Physical appliance, virtual appliance, Linux Package, Docker Container, Cisco Application Hosting, and IaaS Cloud Deployment
Download the Agents from ThousandEyes downloads site.

Enterprise agents are very valuable as they can monitor both internal and external cloud services. There is wide variety of the deployment types available for a network administrator to achieve various goals.

Enterprise agent on the vManage

Log into the vManage portal

Now as you login to the vManage, its time to navigate to
Maintenance > Software Repository > Navigate to Virtual Images

Select Upload Virtual Image > vManage. You can also use the remote server.
Upload the ThousandEyes installation image .tar file as an Image Package

To download the most recent
Enterprise Agent image, begin by navigating to Agents > Enterprise Agents (thousandeyes-va-<version>.ova)

Once you upload the image, now its time to create the template. The template will be a feature template. See below. I select the device C8300 and the feature template "ThousandEyes Agent"

once you clicked on the ThousandEyes Agent, you will see the below screen, Just add the      " Account Group Token"

   Under Advanced, configure the Name Server, Hostname, and Web Proxy.

As you created the feature template, you need to attach this feature template to the device template as you are doing for the other feature templates under " Additional template inside the device template. 

Once you configured and attached the device template with the device you will verify the ThousandEyes agent will be there in the configurations. It will shows like below 

app-hosting appid te
app-vnic gateway0 virtualportgroup 4 guest-interface 0
 guest-ip address netmask
app-default-gateway guest-interface 0
app-resource docker
 run-opts 1 "-e TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=z0kemf"
 run-opts 2 "--hostname ISR4461TE"
 run-opts 3 "-e TEAGENT_PROXY_TYPE=STATIC -e"

Hope it will clear to run an ThousandEyes agent on the vManage to work. We will come up with more articles to add the test reports on the sdwan devices.