Upgrade LiveNX to version 9.5.6

Upgrade LiveNX to version 9.5.6 

We are going to talk about the upgrade procedure of LiveNX to the version of 9.5.6 with the steps as follows. Before we are going to start with that, lets talk about LiveNX first

The Live Action or so called LiveNX network intelligence platform's control center is called LiveNX. LiveNX Provides: network visibility across on-premises, SD-WAN, cloud, and hybrid environments. Actionable insights to comprehend what is occurring right away. Even the most complicated problems can be solved using flow and packet data.

LiveNX Portal
Fig 1.1-LiveNX Portal


1. Export Devices
2. Backup Server Configurations
3. Create a VM Snapshot (ESXi) as backup. This Snapshot will be moved to production if upgrade fails.
4. Move LiveNX to Maintenance Mode and Disable all the alerts that are available in webUI

STEP - 2 Upgrading the All-In-One OVA (Online)

1. Log into the LiveNX Web Client. In the top right corner of the LiveNX page, click the Settings icon. Go to Settings
2. Place the following URL in the empty field under Updates > "UPGRADE PACKAGE URL" then click Start Update.

A status bar will indicate Downloading > Running > Success. Once completed, the web client will automatically log out. If observed in a vCenter Console, the Server OVA will reboot automatically. The LiveNX Web login page will reload automatically after approximately 120 seconds.

3.Log into the LiveNX Web Client and verify that the Server and Web version has been updated to  9.5.6 

STEP - 3 NOT part of upgrade. If there are many uncleared other alerts, then clear it from the database.

How to clear all webUI alerts in bulk (Additional step to clear off the stuck uncleared alarms)

1. Disable all the alerts that are available in webUI .(LiveNX Alerts as well as other Integration Alerts)
2.Login to the cli
3.Connect to mongo (type mongo at the shell prompt and hit enter
4. Once you are connected to mongodb run the following commands:

show databases
use livenx
db.alerts.remove({})              /*note this will clear all vmanage alerts*/
use livenx-node
db.alerts.remove({})              /*note this will clear all livenx alerts*/

STEP - 4.  Install the Java Client for 9.5.6 ubuntu in Jump server

1. LiveNX Client for Windows 64-bit OS: https://download.liveaction.com/LiveNX/9_5_6/LiveNXClient-9.5.6-UBUNTU-windows-x64.exe 

Log into the LiveNX Web Client and verify that the Server and Web version has been updated to. Remove LiveNX from Maintenance Mode and Enable all the alerts that are available in webUI

Backed up VM Snapshot will be moved to production if upgrade fails.