Riverbed Steelhead: Enabling Netflow Analyzer

Riverbed Steelhead: Enabling Netflow Analyzer 

The Riverbed SteelHead hybrid WAN optimization solution accelerates the delivery of any application across the hybrid WAN by improving visibility into network performance and end user experience.

It is possible to diagnose and fix problems before they impact users by combining network, application, and end user performance metrics.

As a result of leveraging the solution's application-aware approach, the most comprehensive network services and path selection based on intent-based, business-driven policies with local enforcement, you also have significantly improved control, allowing you to be more agile in your business.

Lets talk about the Netflow Analyzer and enable it on the Riverbed Steelhead GUI interface.

With Steelheads, you can use NetFlow, Cascade Flow, or NetFlow v9. You can also use a Cascade Flow-compatible version of NetFlow.

  • Exporter: When you activate flow export functionality, the SteelHead sends data about the specific flows it encounters while traversing the network.
  • Collector: A device or server created to compile information supplied to it by SteelHead and other exporters
  • Analyzer: A set of tools used to evaluate data and generate meaningful data summaries and graphics. NetFlow analyzers can be obtained for free or for a fee. Analyzers are frequently offered in tandem with collectors.

Step 1: Navigate to Configure -->  Networking --> Flow Export

Fig 1.1- Riverbed Steelhead NFA

Step 2: Select the settings like ( enable application visibility, top talkers and export settings on the page) and apply
Fig 1.2- Riverbed Steelhead NFA

Step 3Include the Collector's IP address. The Collector IP is the NFA server's IP address.

Choose the interfaces for which traffic must be captured. Net Flow v9 should be selected as the version.

To allow NFA communication to be delivered to the NFA server, a port number must be specified.

Fig 1.3- Riverbed Steelhead NFA

Step 4: Apply and you are done.

To troubleshoot your flow export settings

  • Check that the port settings on the SteelHead and the collector's listening port match.
  • Check to see whether you can reach the collector from the SteelHead.
  • Check to see whether your capture settings are on the right interface and if traffic is flowing through it.

Note down :  It is important to take care when exporting flow data over low bandwidth links so that the application performance is not affected. The amount of bandwidth consumed by flow data is typically less than 1 percent.

You may decrease bandwidth consumption by using filters that only export the most important information for your reports.