ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents on Cisco Switches with Docker
ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents on Cisco Switches with Docker
We will discuss how to install a ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent using Docker on a Cisco NDNA_C9300 9000-series switch. An Enterprise Agent can be launched through Cisco application hosting using a Docker image signed by ThousandEyes.
For application hosting, Cisco IOS XE allots dedicated memory and CPU resources to ensure the security and performance of user applications.
Docker containers are now natively supported on Cisco NDNA_C9300 9000 switches with IOS XE 16.12.1.A Docker container running on internal flash storage is run by the ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent.
Fig 1.1- ThousandEyes Workflow |
Here are the steps below
Step 1: From your ThousandEyes dashboard, download the Docker image and copy it to your Cisco switch using SCP, FTP, TFTP, or USB storage. Download the .tar file with the ThousandEyes appliance for NDNA_C9300 9000-series switches.
Step 2: Click Add New Enterprise Agent under Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Agent Settings.
Step 3: Run a checksum (md5) command to verify that the package transfer was successful. The md5 output should match
Step 4: A Docker container can be installed on a switch by enabling the IOx framework and check the services are running
Step 5: Now Install the enterprise agent on the C9300 Switch
NDNA_C9300#app-hosting install appid TE package
NDNA_C9300#app-hosting install appid TE package
Step 6: Check for the application as it should be installed
Step 7: In order to assign Layer-2 VLANs from the uplink router and switch to the appliance, you must configure only one virtual network interface card (vNIC).
Ensure the Layer-2 VLAN is enabled from the uplink port on the front panel
NDNA_C9300# Config t
NDNA_C9300(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
NDNA_C9300(config)#description Uplink MGMT
NDNA_C9300(config)# switchport access vlan 21
Step 8: Create an SVI that matches with Layer-2 VLAN
NDNA_C9300# Config t
NDNA_C9300(config)#interface Vlan21
NDNA_C9300(config)#ip address
Step 9: Configure the AppGigabitEthernet port to allow Layer-2 VLAN
NDNA_C9300# Config t
NDNA_C9300(config)#interface AppGigabitEthernet1/0/1
NDNA_C9300(config)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 21
NDNA_C9300(config)#switchport mode trunk
Step 10: Configure the application, either with a static IP
NDNA_C9300(config)#app-hosting appid thousandeyes_enterprise_agent
NDNA_C9300(config-app-hosting)#app-vnic AppGigabitEthernet trunk
NDNA_C9300(config-config-app-hosting-trunk)#vlan 21 guest-interface 0
NDNA_C9300(config-config-app-hosting-vlan-access-ip)#guest-ipaddress netmask
NDNA_C9300(config-app-hosting)#app-default-gateway guest-interface 0
Step 11: Specify the account token in the Docker run options. The hostname can also be specified here if it is different from the switch's name:
NDNA_C9300(config-app-hosting)#app-resource docker
NDNA_C9300(config-app-hosting-docker)#run-opts 1 "-e TEAGENT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=<Token>"
NDNA_C9300(config-app-hosting-docker)#run-opts 2 "--hostname NDNA-TE"
Step 12: Save configurations and check for the docker container
Step 13: In the ThousandEyes platform, go to Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Agent Settings
Fig 1.2- ThousandEyes Docker |
Now you need to verify the Docker container’s IP address on the above screen. Data ports and management interfaces can be used to connect containers. An IP address of the container is on the same subnet as that of the management interface, which is connected via a management bridge. Containers are equipped with virtual network interface cards (vNICs) that are seen as standard Ethernet interfaces