NGN virtualization encapsulation: GENEVE vs VXLAN

NGN virtualization encapsulation: GENEVE vs VXLAN 

It is important to understand the next generation network virtualization and next generation network virtualization encapsulation as well. VXLAN is very much popular in this domain and GENEVE is a new proposed encapsulation co-authored by VMware, Microsoft, Red Hat and Intel.

Fig 1.1- GENEVE vs VXLAN

GENEVE ( Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation)

The packet encapsulated in the GENEVE format comprises of a compact tunnel header encapsulated in UDP over IP. A small fixed tunnel header provides control information plus a base level of functionality and interoperability with a focus on simplicity. 

This header is then trailed by a bunch of variable alternatives to take into consideration future development. At last, the payload comprises of a protocol data unit of the indicated type, such as an Ethernet frame.

Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (GENEVE) prevent IP fragmentation and maximize performance, best practices when using Genève is to make sure that the MTU of the physical network Greater than or equal to the MTU of the coated mesh plus Tunnel headers. 

VXLAN(Virtual Extensible Local Area Network)

VXLAN is designed to provide the same Ethernet Level 2 services as VLAN, but with greater extensibility and flexibility. In a large multitenant environment, VXLAN provides a flexible, multitenant solution over a shared physical infrastructure. It operates by using IP plus UDP to travel over the physical network.

VXLAN enables tenant workloads to be distributed across multiple physical pods in the datacenter by extending Layer 2 segments over shared network infrastructure.

VXLAN uses a 24-bit segment ID known as the VXLAN network identifier (VNID), which enables up to 16 million VXLAN segments to coexist in the same administrative domain.

VXLAN packets are transferred through the underlying network based on its Layer 3 header and can take complete advantage of Layer 3 routing, equal-cost multipath (ECMP) routing, and link aggregation protocols to use all available paths.

Here is the comparison below

Will come up with the next article on encapsulation protocols.