VMware NSX-T 3.2 Updates and innovations

 NSX-T 3.2 Updates and innovations

VMware announced NSX-T 3.2 with the new features towards the innovation and enhancements on Security, Advanced Networking, and Simplified Operations.

We will talk about all the components in short brief which includes 

  • NSX-T 3.2 Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
  • NSX-T 3.2 Enhanced Gateway Firewall
  • NSX-T 3.2 Distributed Firewall
  • NSX Federation & Enhanced Migration Coordinator
Fig 1.1- NSX-T 3.2 updates

NSX-T 3.2 Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)
NTA uses network behavioral analysis techniques that use multiple hops, unlike IDS and IPS, which use signature-based traffic analysis.

When an attacker attempts to breach your network security and behaves in a different manner than authorized users who access the system, this is useful.

NSX-T 3.2 Enhanced Gateway Firewall
For the NSX-T environment, gateway firewalls are essential. We provide full-featured firewall functionality like what we do on DFW.

A software-based gateway with advanced threat prevention and malware analysis and sandboxing is a software-based enhanced gateway firewall, enabling it to serve as a L2-L7 gateway in the enterprise

NSX-T 3.2 Distributed Firewall
DFW rules could only be applied to workloads that were migrated to NSX-T segments before NSX-T 3.2. We can now use native VLAN-backed distributed port groups to apply DFW to NSX-T 3.2.NSX-T implementations that only use DFW should pay attention to this.

NSX Federation & Enhanced Migration Coordinator
NSX Federation supports VM tag replication between local managers when recovering workloads in other sites while retaining their security policy. In this release NSX-T federation also enhanced health monitoring for communication channels between global and local managers. 

NSX-T 3.2 supports the migration of VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO), fixed topologies with OSPF, and identity-based firewall (IDFW/RDSH) configurations.