Cisco DNA Center : Gen 2 DNA Center Appliances
Cisco DNA Center Gen 2 UCS based Appliances
DNA center is hosted on the DNA center appliances and these DNA Center appliances are UCS based Gen 1 or Gen 2 chassis. Gen 1 ( Generation 1 ) UCS based chassis is already retired and now Cisco offers Gen 2 ( Generation 2 ) UCS chassis to host DNA center. You can setup a standalone Chassis or setup DNA center on 3 node cluster minimum.
Fig 1.1- Cisco DNA Center Appliance |
Cisco DNA Center
Cisco DNA Center is a Centralized network controller and management dashboard that control the network devices on the site and optimize network investment, and lower IT spending. Cisco DNA Center provides a single dashboard for every fundamental management task to simplify running your network.
Cisco offers three types of appliances for Cisco DNA center to be hosted. These three types of appliances are as below
Let's check the difference between these models are below in SD-Access Space
Fig 1.3- DNA Center appliances models in SD-Access |
These all 3 models are Gen 2 models, Earlier Cisco has Gen 1 models for DNA center appliances. Earlier models were but now they are retired. Its just for your information on the Gen 1 models as below.