Part 8: Configurations Backup on ACI APIC

Today we are going to talk about the how to configuration backups on Cisco ACI APIC Dashboard. As you guys knew that APIC is a UCS based CIMC controller and we can check configuration backups on Cisco ACI APIC Dashboard.

What is Cisco ACI APIC?

One of the important pillar of Cisco ACI is APIC which is known as Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller. It is single pane of glass for automation and management for the Cisco ACI fabric, policy enforcement, and health monitoring. It also optimizes performance and manages and operates a scalable multitenant Cisco ACI fabric.

Step 1:Log in to the APIC GUI and Browse Admin → Import/Export → Export Policies → Configuration

Fig 1.1- Configuration Backups on APIC ACI

Step 2:Verify that Configuration is exported with a scheduler as per design.

Step 3: If you want to run through the CLI, you need to SSH to APIC controller and run below command in order to get the information on the configurations backup

moquery -c configExportP

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