Meraki All Star Hall of Fame 2021 !

Today, I received an e-mail from Meredith Whelan (Meraki Community) and congratulating me on being selected for the 2021 Meraki Allstar Hall of Fame. I am so excited and glad that I am the part of such an awesome Cisco Meraki Community.

It is a amazing news that I am selected as a Meraki All Star Hall of Fame. Helping and trying to put together valuable technical content which of course takes a lot of work and time commitment but with the appreciation I am happy that i am able to share the information and the solutions to my fellow community members in Meraki Community. 

As I am an active member of Meraki community and is amazed that now I am recognized in Meraki All Star Hall of Fame for 2021.

Do join the Meraki Community, below is the link for your reference

Cisco Meraki Community Link

The last and the awesome part is you will get the swag from Meraki for contributing in Meraki Community. I would recommend you guys to be part of that awesome community an share knowledge with your co-community members and help them to resolves day to day issues in Meraki environment.

Fig 1.1- Meraki Swag

So join us there on Meraki community and be the part of the community to get Meraki Swag !