How to run a template from Cisco DNA Center

Today we are going to discuss about the template on DNA Center and how to run these templates. As you know templates are not the workflow in DNA Center to push the configuration back to the devices which are managed through the DNA Center.

Step 1: Login to the DNA Center

Fig 1.1- DNA Center Login Screen

Step 2: Search for the device where you need to push the template in inventory. Basically,
Click on Cisco DNA Center --> Provision --> Inventory as shown below in the image.

Fig 1.2- DNA Center Inventory

You will see the following inventory devices in the DNA Center. Now on the right side, you can select the device based on the location, Just click on the Country/Province/City/Building name 

Step 3: Deploy the Template
Click and select the device as we selected in the inventory. Now once you selected that device by clicking, go to Action --> Provision --> Provision device 

Once you clicked on the Provision device, it will go to the below window as shown below, (Select the site if required, else ignore) and Click Next. 

You will see the below window where you can see on the right side you have template assigned as per the what we did on the network profiling and the template with the tag.

Click on the template , you need to fill the values on the template in order to proceed further. Make sure you click the checkbox “Provision these templates even if they have been deployed before”. 

Once you selected all the parameters and put it on the template, Click Next and you will see the summary and click next to push the template to the device from DNAC as shown below as an example

Now Click Deploy and the Template will be pushed to the device.