DNAC Device PNP Onboarding Process for IOS-XE
Today we are going to talk about the DNAC device PNP onboarding process for IOS-XE/IOS devices. Before we are going to discuss about this process, you should aware of DHCP option 43.
In our lab environment we are using a Cisco Router, Infoblox for DHCP scope and a new branded cisco switch for onboarding process.
Step 1: Login to DNA Center
Step 2: Set up Global Credentials for PNP Process
Make sure the global credentials are defined for SSH, SNMP
RO and RW. Building will also inherit the defined credentials
Cisco DNA C --> Design --> Network Settings
ip dhcp pool dnacpnp_device_pool ( Name of DHCP pool on IPAM)
network 10.X.X.X 255.X.X.X ( Range of IP addresses assigned to clients )
default-router 10.X.X.X ( Gateway address)
option 43 ascii "5A1N;B2;K4;I10.10.10.10;J80" (Option 43 string, is a DNA Center IP)
Define the relevant day#0 template and golden image if
applicable for device PnP. Make sure the upstream router will have DHCP relay and IP helper address to reach DHCP server configured on untagged VLAN (aka, VLAN1).
Step 4: Upstream Router and Switch Connectivity
Make sure the switch is connected to the upstream router on the trunk. As an example we are taking the
following example on the router as Cisco router. We need to define the below values on the router in order to get switch
the IP address and redirected to DHCP server on IPAM.
GigabitEthernet0/2.1 (Defined
Sub-interface is connected to the Switch on trunk)
encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
ip address 10.x.x.x 255.x.x.x
ip helper-address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y (ip helper address for
reachability to the DHCP Server)
As we need to define the Day 0 Template on the template editor and add it to the Network profile for claiming process
First we need to define the Day 0 Template which is called as onboarding template where we can define the basic configuration. In our example we are putting very basic configurations like domain name, Loopback 0 interface IP address and can be defined more.
Navigate to
Cisco DNA Center à Tools à Template Editor
Once you clicked on the Template Editor you will see the below screen
As we
defined the Day 0 Template that will be used for PNP claiming process, now we
need to use the same tag to define on Network Profile for all new devices which
will be discovered via PNP Process.
As we created the Day 0 Template and defined Network
Profiles for Day 0 Template, Now are good to proceed with the PNP Claiming
Step 6: Device PNP Claiming Process
Now after we
setup DHCP option #43 and connect the new switch to the upstream router or to
the network, DNA Center runs its script and you will see the device with the IP
address getting from DHCP server shown under PNP tab in DNA Center
Navigate to Provision
-> Network Devices -> Plug and Play
You will see, the device pop up there with the IP address taking from DHCP server. Now select the device and Action ->Claim, Once you start claiming process, you will see the below screen. Assign the site to the switch and do next.
As a
process of Claiming, we are pushing out the Day #0 template which may include
the basic configuration like DNS name, Host name, Loopback IP address. Once
claiming process completed, you will see the device is provisioned in DNA Center and will automatically come up in the inventory.
Once you
claim the device on the DNAC, you can see by login to the switch that VLAN 1 is
assigned with the IP address from the DHCP pool. This is just an example and
verified in the Lab environment.
A Cisco
network device with no start-up configuration triggers the Cisco Plug and Play
IOS Agent to initiate a DHCP discovery process, which can acquire the DNA
Center controller IP address from the DHCP server.
auto-discovery process requires that the DHCP server be configured with the
vendor specific option 43 that contains additional information about the DNA
Center controller.
When the
DHCP server receives a DHCP discover message with option 60 that contains the
string “dnacpnp_device_pool ”, it responds to the device by returning a response that contains the
option 43 information.
The Cisco
Plug and Play IOS Agent extracts the DNA Center controller IP address from the
response and uses this address to communicate with the controller.
The only prerequisites for the DHCP auto-discovery method are as follows:
- New devices can reach the DHCP server
- The DHCP server is configured with option 43 for Cisco Network Plug and Play