DNA Center : CIMC Controller and Maglev
Today we are going to talk about the DNA Center Maglev commands and the commands run in the case of the issues on CIMC controller.
To log into DNA Center using CLI you must connect via Secure Socket Shell (SSH) to your DNA Center's IP address using maglev as the username on port 2222.
ssh –p 2222 maglev@ < your DNA center IP address >
Fig 1.1- DNA Center CIMC Controller Login |
As you login to the DNA Center CIMC controller you need to run below commands on the maglev in order to check the issues if you have or before you raise an issue to Cisco TAC engineers.
Cisco TAC also collect these below commands output as first check on the DNA Center CIMC controller.
Basic Commands to check the issues on the DNA Center CIMC controller
$ maglev system_updater update_info
$ maglev catalog settings display
$ maglev catalog release_channel display -V
$ maglev catalog settings validate
$ etcdctl get /maglev/config/cluster/cloud
$ maglev catalog system_update_package display
$ maglev catalog package display
To Check the live log during update
$ magctl service logs -rf system-updater | lql
$ magctl service logs -rf workflow-worker | lql
Remove a node from cluster
$ maglev node remove <node_ip>
Gracefully removing a node
$ maglev node drain <node_ip>
$ maglev node remove <node_ip>
HA commands
$ maglev service nodescale status
$ maglev service nodescale refresh
$ maglev service nodescale progress
$ maglev service nodescale history
$ maglev node remove <node_ip>
$ maglev node allow <node_ip>
$ maglev cluster node display