Cisco SD-AVC in the vManage for Custom Applications
Today we are going to discuss SD-AVC used in the Cisco SDWAN solution. As the name suggests SD means Software defined and AVC means Application visibility and control.
Cisco SD-AVC
The purpose of the SD-AVC is generally is to provide the aggregates application
data from multiple devices and provides that composite application information
in return.
Fig 1.1- SD-AVC in SDWAN |
Cisco SD-AVC uses Cisco NBAR2 and other components that operate on devices
in the network and operates at the network level, any application rule created
by SD-AVC based on aggregated application data is shared and applied
consistently across all participating network devices.
Before we see the error message, let's login to the vManage console to see that error message
Below is the screen shot showing the error message when
trying to create the custom applications, It seems like SD-AVC is disabled and
we need to enable it first.
to the problem
Step 1:
Login to the vManage and navigate to Administration > Cluster Management.
You will see that SD-AVC is disabled as this moment. Let’s enable it first.
Step 2: Activate the SD-AVC virtual image on the vManage, navigate to Administration > Cluster Management > … > Edit. Once you clicked on the Edit button, you are asked for the username and password
Step 3: After enable SD-AVC it will prompt you a warning, a reboot is required. Click Ok and it will reboot the vManage.
Once you clicked on the reboot the vManage, the SD-AVC will be activate and now you can create the custom applications.