VMWare Velocloud SDWAN device onboarding and provisioning
Today I am going to talk about the VMWare Velocloud SDWAN device onboarding and provisioning.
Velocloud SDWAN
SDWAN virtualizes the WAN to decouple network software services from the underlying hardware and providing agility, flexibility, simplicity, performance, and scale for all enterprises leveraging the cloud.
So now control plane is decoupled from the device. Device is now only capable of data plane traffic flow and control plane is handled from the orchestration.
Customer IT adds a new Velocloud edge device in the customer account and generates an activation key and email to the Velocloud Edge SDWAN installer. The Velocloud Edge will be shipped to the remote site with the factory default information.
Fig 1.1- VeloCloud SDWAN |
So when installer got the SDWAN Velocloud edge device, it powers up and connected to the internet. Once connected the IT engineers clicks on the activation link in the email and the Velocloud edge is activated.
Now its time to Provision, Create the required Profile and Network configurations for the Velocloud Edge.
Configure > Edge > New Edge: Add new VeloCloud Edge
Edge is now provisioned with an activation key and the configuration profile When a VCE Serial Number is specified, the activation key generated in and can only be used to activate the Edge
Now Configure Edge specific parameters which includes LAN IP addressing, Firewall rules, Business policy rules, Static WAN IP addressing and so on.
Make sure you remember Static WAN IP can also be assigned at the time of activation from the Edge’s local UI. Any such manual changes are auto-updated in the Edge’s configuration in the VCO (Velocloud Orchestration)