Quick about Floating Static Route

 Today I am going to talk about one of the basic topic in routing called as Floating static route. This topic is basically useful for the CCNA students who are going to understand the static routing and the floating static routing in details. I wrote a article on static routing earlier and now I will talk about the floating static route.

What is Floating Static route ?
A floating static route is a static route with an administrative distance higher than that of the routing protocol in use. In this way, the floating static route will only appear in the routing table if the dynamically learned route is lost.

Below is the example showing the Floating static route

Fig 1.1- Floating Static routing

In the above mentioned diagram, showing the floating static route with the AD value of 171.

Why we are using the Floating Static route in the Network ?
We have a route which is learned through the dynamic routing protocol like OSPF, RIP, EIGRP or any other to have the backup route for the Dynamic routing protocol route with the higher AD value will be called as Floating Static route.

Below is the another example showing the AD value to the route 250. To change the Administrative Distance of a static route to 250:

Static routes will only remain in the routing table as long as the interface connecting to the next-hop router is up. To ensure a static route remains permanently in the routing table, even if the next-hop interface is down:

Static routes can additionally be used to discard traffic to specific networks, by directing that traffic to a virtual null interface: