
Introduction to Alibaba Cloud and offerings

China based cloud provider which is a fourth largest cloud provider operates in 21 data center regions and 63 global availability zones. Most of the operations of Alibaba cloud is mainland China and other Asia-Pacific regions. 

The company runs a series of competitions on Tianchi platform, which currently hosts over 200,000 developers from 91 countries and regions.

Alibaba Cloud offices
Alibaba Cloud’s international operations are registered and headquartered in Singapore, and the company has teams stationed in Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris, San Mateo, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo, driving this international growth

Alibaba Cloud offers cloud infrastructure and application development services and adopt the same pay-as-you-go pricing model which AWS, Azure or GCP is adopting. Alibaba cloud offerings is basically on the database, networking, compute and storage.

Other solutions
DATA MIGRATION: With the help of Alibaba's cloud data migration services where resources will ensure a smooth migration. Users can either follow self guided tutorials, or outsource the migration through Alibaba Cloud’s Migration Service, or to take partners

WEB HOSTING: They offers flexible, low cost web hosting, that is perfect for SMEs, and supports a range of popular content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla. The web hosting service is fast and secure, based on container technology that benefits from our Elastic Compute Service and protected by Alibaba Cloud’s Web Application Firewall with 99.999% data reliability.

INTERNET OF THINGS: Alibaba Cloud’s IoT suite has high traffic endurance, handling access requests smoothly, its equipment certification means that each connected device is certified, plus it incorporates secured  transmission, device rights management and a reliable message service.