Dynamic Routing Protocol: RIPv1 and RIPv2

 In my earlier post, we discussed about the basics of RIP- Routing information Protocol and explains about how it works in the network. Every small enterprise can have this flavor of RIP in their network but if you are talking about most of the enterprise network they are going with the OSPF or IS-IS in their networks.

We will discuss about OSPF and IS-IS protocol in another post soon but if you are talking about the RIP protocol they are generally used in the labs or in the exams.

we have various scenarios on RIP- routing information protocol and will share the same with you guys as well in another post. As we defined earlier, RIP has value of AD : 120 and we knew that you guys now aware of AD already discussed in the previous post of RIP.

RIP- Routing Information Protocol has two versions, In earlier days RIPv1 is used but now a days people uses RIPv2. Now question is now what is the difference between RIPv1 and RIPv2 ?

Fig 1.1- RIPv1 & RIPv2

So Lets talk about the RIPv1

  • RIPv1 is a  classful routing protocol which doesn't support VLSM - Variable length Subnet Masking.
  • RIPv1 sends the update as Broadcast traffic on
  • RIPv1 doesn't trigger updates
  • RIPv1 doesn't support authentication.

So now lets talk about the RIPv2

  • RIPv2 is a classless routing protocol and it supports VLSM.
  • RIPV2 sends the updates at multicast address -
  • RIPv2 trigger updates
  • RIPv2 support authentication

All though all the other features are same in both the versions of RIP. The RIPv2 actually comes to support the VLSM in the network. We will discuss regarding the VLSM concept as well in another post.